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The state of the appearance in media research
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García Hernández, R. (2021). The state of the appearance in media research. Revista Publicando, 8(28), 119-135. https://doi.org/10.51528/rp.vol8.id2164


The active role of the subjectivity in the appropriation, reception, perception and modification of an empirical reality to be known, has been present in philosophy since the Modernity. The investigation of the social phenomena manifested through the human being’s social praxis distinguishes itself by their essence and appearance. The article analyses some aspects concerning the subjectivity and its active role in the research of digital technology. Thus, it focuses on the social and cultural effects of technique and the user-defined routines within the relations they establish in the public sphere. To achieve this goal, the article emphasizes the relevance of the terms appropriation, participation and subjectivity in connection with technical devices. Some cultural processes and social interactions will be highlighted to understand their symbolic effects on political, cultural and psychological relations in the digital environment.

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