Currently, the Digital Teaching Competence (DTC) is an imperative need to meet the 21st century requirements of educational institutions, characterized by the integration of new technologies in the teaching-learning process. This article presents an investigation that aimed to identify the level of digital competence of secondary school teachers in the State of Yucatán, Mexico. A questionnaire was designed consisting of 65 items that integrated the dimensions of the CDD: technical, informational, communicative, digital citizenship, pedagogical and attitude towards ICT. The first three dimensions were evaluated by means of a Test of Maximum Execution (T.M.E.); the remaining dimensions were assessed using a Typical Execution Test (T.E.T.) that included a Likert-type scale with five frequency ranges. The results showed a low level of digital competence in the technical, informational and communicative dimensions. Likewise, the teachers displayed that they carry out behaviors typical of the digital citizenship dimension with high frequency and with average frequency activities that reflect a favorable attitude towards ICT. Finally, teachers showed a low level of frequency of actions related to the integration of technologies in their pedagogical work. Based on the results, we recommend the implementation of ongoing training processes for education professionals that favor the acquisition of digital skills.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Ely Ruiz del Hoyo Loeza, Sergio Humberto Quiñonez Pech, William René Reyes Cabrera