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The Pedagogical continuity applied to higher education in pandemic times
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pedagogical alternatives
higher education
virtual education
school adaptation


How to Cite

Cossío Ponce de León , M., Quiñones Domínguez, O., & Cossio Ponce de León, A. (2021). The Pedagogical continuity applied to higher education in pandemic times. Revista Publicando, 8(28), 67-73. https://doi.org/10.51528/rp.vol8.id2159


With the appearance of COVID-19 and concepts like social distancing, rescheduling and express training where essential to tackle the paradigm that this new distance-based model imposed. The whole of the universe’s community was needed to participate in this institutional challenge and, once the process had ended, we deemed important to test the capabilities of our students to work online. These are the preliminary results in the project “Pedagogical Continuity applied to a higher education in times of pandemic”. First, descriptive, and retrospective studies were designed, later to be applied in the form of an online test on the last week of academic term. The test had as subject a total of 129 university students, of which 32.6% (42) where male and 67.4% (87) female, all of them undergraduates. The average age of the testers was 21.01+ 4.7. Of these 29.5% counted with a reliable internet connection to perform their duties, 53.5% had faulty irregular connections and the 17% had no connection at all. 80% of students admitted to have created a workplace within their homes to better perform their school work. Students manifested that in 78.3% of cases the evaluation felt complex, 85.3% felt they were overworked, while the remaining 53.6% feel that the grade they were given was not on-par with the time an effort they gave. 78.3% of students said that their grades were not a one-on-one representation of their acquired knowledge.

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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Dra. Mariana Cossio Ponce de León , M.T.B. Osiris Quiñones Domínguez, M.C. Alejandra Cossio Ponce de León


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