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Actions to promote innovation in the Faculty of Communication of the University of Havana
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Diagnosis of perceptions
Faculty of Communication


How to Cite

Medina González, A., Torres Ponjuán, D., & Riquelme Rodríguez, R. (2020). Actions to promote innovation in the Faculty of Communication of the University of Havana. Revista Publicando, 7(27), 73-87. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/2154


Every year, undergraduate students of Information Sciences graduate from the Faculty of Communication of the University of Havana with results that can be converted into innovative products or services. Other products come from research projects, extension agents, from the institution's own management practices or from student practices in organizations where they carry out pre-professional practices. The purpose of the research is to analyze the perceptions of students and professors of Information Sciences about opportunities to innovate and propose actions that enhance innovation. The main notions of innovation are examined, as well as their relationship with research and its management in universities. Consequently, a diagnosis of the perceptions of students and teachers about innovation in the Faculty of Communication is carried out. A methodology based on an action plan is adapted to promote innovation linked to research. It is organized in four stages, of which only two are applied based on the activities carried out during the generic analysis and planning phase, which includes organizational contextualization and the specification of the proposal to be developed. Finally, actions and lines of work are proposed to project research towards innovation.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2020 Alejandro Medina González, Déborah Torres Ponjuán, Rocio Riquelme Rodríguez


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