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Perspectives on Curricular Standards for Physical Education in Mexico
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physical education
focus groups
basic education


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López Alonzo, S. J., Guedea Delgado , J. C. ., Núñez Enríquez , O. ., Soto Valenzuela , M. C. ., & Gastélum Cuadras , G. . (2021). Perspectives on Curricular Standards for Physical Education in Mexico . Revista Publicando, 8(28), 99-109. https://doi.org/10.51528/rp.vol8.id2152


Objective: To analyze the perspectives of focus groups on the use of curricular standards for physical education in basic education. Method: Teachers of basic education (n = 3), physical education (n = 3) and higher education (n = 3) participated, three curricular standards for physical education were selected, extracted from a documentary review for thematic analysis and generated different categories. Results: Main categories; 1) professional training of the physical educator, 2) training and certifying in-service teachers, 3) expected learning, didactic strategies and evaluation criteria, 4) quality of physical education. Conclusions: Functioning with curricular standards can be an opportunity to improve physical education; however, a joint effort is required between different educational sectors and society. In addition, it is necessary to create educational and public health policies to strengthen this subject and the training of physical educators.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Dr. Salvador Jesús López Alonzo, Dr. Julio Cesar Guedea Delgado , Dr. Oscar Núñez Enríquez , Dra. Ma Concepción Soto Valenzuela, Dr. Gabriel Gastélum Cuadras


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