Introduction. Self-medication in society continues to be a public health problem in Ecuador, the fact of ingesting non-indicated drugs manages to cover up the real problem and also makes diagnosis difficult for the medical prescription of adequate treatment. Objective. Build and validate the content of an instrument to evaluate the factors associated with self-medication in children under five years of age. Method. A quantitative, prospective, field research was carried out with a cross section, maintaining an analytical approach; As a sample, a pilot test was carried out, using 15 people as a population, validated by expert judgment and Cronbach's alpha. Outcome. The qualification of the judges was obtained a reliability score of 91.5 and in the value of Cronbach's alpha a score of 0.84 was obtained. Conclusions. The content of the instrument was validated by the expert committee with a rating of "Very Reliable" and the internal consistency of the analyzed items of the factors associated with self-medication in children under five years of age was confirmed as "Good"; The measurement of sociodemographic analysis is considered convenient to design plans that allow promoting health programs towards the community and reducing the high rates of self-medication.
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