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An innovative university experience in the teaching of physical culture
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Training proyects
Physical Culture
Discipline integration


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Montes Mata, K. J., Almanza Rodríguez, C. R., Cossío Ponce de León , M., & Álvarez Mendoza , G. (2020). An innovative university experience in the teaching of physical culture. Revista Publicando, 7(26), 23-37. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/2111


The result of the experience lived in the implementation of a training project used in the transversal and transdisciplinary training of the professional of the sciences of physical culture at the Autonomous University of Chihuahua, Mexico is shared. In this research, the training project assumes the competency-based approach, to be implemented in a process of classroom intervention. The methodology used represents an approach to action research where teachers, previously selected, they delved, designed, evaluated, and socialized on the results. The main techniques were field diaries, participatory observation, and fundamentally video recording and transverse and transdisciplinary reflective dialogue. Among the results, the positive evaluation that teachers have on the model stands out, highlighting with it a greater preparation regarding the didactic planning process of their subject, also the training-intervention-systematization of your teaching practice. It is concluded that this research promotes and facilitates the transversal and transdisciplinary planning of the course through its function in real situations and created as a teaching updating strategy that enhances academic productivity and gives meaning to a more motivated, thoughtful and transformative teaching.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2020 Karla Juanita Montes Mata, Carlos Raúl Almanza Rodríguez, Mariana Cossío Ponce de León, Gustavo Álvarez Mendoza


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