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Influence of the brand experience on online shopping consumers in the city of Cuenca-Ecuador
Revista Publicando Issue 25 Vol 7
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Experiential marketing
branding experience
experience influence
consumer behavior

How to Cite

Moscoso Merchán , M. V., Piña Cortez , C. I., & Saquicela Cobos , M. F. (2020). Influence of the brand experience on online shopping consumers in the city of Cuenca-Ecuador. Revista Publicando, 7(25), 146-159. https://doi.org/10.51528/rp.vol7.id2098


Nowadays it is very common to use the term "experience" in marketing, to highlight the experience that a consumer has with a certain service or product. It can be noted that when experiences generate an emotional connection with a brand, it translates into a "branding experience". Based on the above, we seek to analyze the influence of brand experience on consumers of online shopping in the city of Cuenca – Ecuador. The research will carry out a documentary analysis of the main theories of "experiential marketing", reviewing the main bibliographic sources in order to delimit the referential framework that will constitute the theoretical bases of the study. It aims to generate a holistic vision of the influence of brand experience on consumer behavior of online shopping. It has been considered to start with the identification of lines of research focused on the analysis and study of consumer behaviour and the direct relationship that consumers have with the "experiences" generated by electronic stores. In addition, in order to carry out the research, a methodological approach is proposed that allows research to be framed in order to obtain results and with them to be able to provide an application orientation for the academic and professional sector. 

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2020 Marco Vinicio Moscoso Merchán , Carlos Iván Piña Cortez , María Fabiola Saquicela Cobos


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