This investigation was carried out in the Medical Library of the National Institute of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases (BIB-INEN), to study the information needs of the INEN user community, for the design of the Selective Information Dissemination Service at (BIB-INEN) to support research and teaching at National Institute of Endocrinology. The study had an experimental design, with a descriptive approach and a mixed perspective. The medical library is characterized, typologies and user population are identified. Besides, a segmentation of users was carried out, for which hierarchies were established that allowed determining the target market that would receive the designed service. All of the above allows knowing the peculiarities of real users’ population and thus studied the information needs of prioritized users. Was detected that the population of potential internal users is 250, from which, (115) are real users. From the population of real users, 72 who serve as teachers and/or researchers were ranked as the beneficiaries of the service of selective dissemination of the information to be designed. It was learned that hierarchical users’ information needs correspond to the current lines and plans of research and coincide with the current school year (2019-2020).
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Copyright (c) 2021 Ana Cecilia Martínez Martínez, Soraya Madero Durán