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Humor and Satire: Satirical journalism on the internet, a vision towards Ecuador
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Sánchez Peña, M. I. (2020). Humor and Satire: Satirical journalism on the internet, a vision towards Ecuador. Revista Publicando, 7(24), 59-70. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/2076


Humour intervenes in the social sphere through the traditional media industries and those that are emerging on the Internet. Addressing this premise is the intention of this study and recognizing that this discursive form is linked to popular culture. It is considered that humor and laughter are key to understanding a part of the culture of human groups and that it is the media that has lost its appeal to new audiences. Websites and fanpages are operating through communication products far removed from traditional journalistic genres creating political satire that is established as a renewed form of satire in social networks. Journalistic practices that were born from caricature, drawing and satire are entering the new media ecology by taking advantage of the tools that the Internet provides. Therefore, satirical journalism has taken on new nuances, with the appearance of Info-Satire, which is an extension of television models such as infotainment that are making the news offer diversify. A review of the media ecosystem in Ecuador and its satirical tradition is carried out in order to understand the political satire initiatives on the Internet, specifically on the social network Facebook.
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