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Ethics of Virtue in front of the normative insufficiency in accounting practice
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accounting practice
code of ethics


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Benavides Echeverria, I. E. (2020). Ethics of Virtue in front of the normative insufficiency in accounting practice. Revista Publicando, 7(23), 60-71. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/2060


All accounting activity is carried out in a normative context, which has an apparent ethical behavior, aimed at achieving the public interest. However, these regulations are insufficient to stop scandals raised in the accounting profession, which have lacerated public interests and negatively affected the professional prestige of the accountant. The purpose of this article is to present a theoretical reflection between what is established in the code of ethics and its relation to the pressures to which the accountant is exposed, to later analyze the subject of virtues, in the accounting professional. The need for the essential virtues for accounting practice is identified, based on a documentary review of different authors and the various regulatory bodies of international regulation.
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