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Social skills at the beginning of adolescence: a diagnosis with schoolchildren of the Alejandro Játiva Martí­nez center
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How to Cite

Quevedo Mora, V. E., Andrade Parra, A., & Perlaza de la Rams, P. (2020). Social skills at the beginning of adolescence: a diagnosis with schoolchildren of the Alejandro Játiva Martí­nez center. Revista Publicando, 7(23), 85-92. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/2056


The study of social skills of school-aged children is priority for their formation and development; therefore, the transformation of the school world demands a need for guidance from a scientific point of view, in order to develop those skills. The general objective of this research is to diagnose the current state of social skills in school-aged children from Alejandro Játiva Martí­nez school children, located in socio ” housing 1, La Prosperina northeast sector of Guayaquil, Ecuador in the 2018-2019 school year. It has been studied 25 subjects of the 6th year, with ages between 10 and 11 years, relating social skills with the entrance to adolescence, which stands out as a complex stage of ontogenetic development. For data collection, different methods were applied: theoretical (historical-logical, analysis and synthesis and induction ” deduction), empirical (observation and surveys) and statistics (descriptive statistics). The work is considered of great importance since it offers possibilities for contextualization, as part of the implementation of educational strategies aimed at enhancing attention to diversity from the professional role of the educational psychologist.
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