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Attention to Priority Groups and Quality of Life, University Social Responsibility? Case Parish Mariscal Sucre - Ecuador, 2017
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Zúñiga, X. L., Romero, E. J., Tapia Núñez, D. W., Arana Rodrí­guez, A. E., & Garcí­a Vicuña, J. A. (2019). Attention to Priority Groups and Quality of Life, University Social Responsibility? Case Parish Mariscal Sucre - Ecuador, 2017. Revista Publicando, 6(22), 16-26. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/2035


University social responsibility is an issue of high relevance and actuality. In Latin America and especially in Ecuador, it represents a contribution to the development of communities with less possibility of development. In the Ecuadorian case, the Laws of Higher Education establish it as an obligation, to demonstrate the formation of capable, ethical and responsible professionals, committed to the society to which they belong.   The research presented was carried out to fulfill the objective of analyzing university social responsibility and its impact on the quality of life for priority care groups (children and adolescents) of the population of Mariscal Sucre parish (Milagro), located in Zone 5-Ecuador.   Reaching the set objective required the application of a descriptive and explanatory methodology, focusing the study on the application of the technique of the survey questionnaire; after that, it was worked with a finite population, and it was obtained a probabilistic sample.   The data collected gave way to the analysis to conclude that universities have the responsibility to contribute to the society through programs and projects that generate a contribution to the social needs that afflict it, in this case, those related to children and adolescents. However, the work being carried out does not take base on a study that specifies which are the most important social needs that must be addressed around contributing to the quality of life of vulnerable groups, in this case, children and teenagers who have not reached an essential development.

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