Some Camplobacter species, especially Campylobacter jejuni are major causes of human bacterial enteritis. This organism is Gram- negative rod with curved or S shape. They are catalase and oxidase- positive, microaerophilic, motile and are carried in the intestine of wild and domestic animals. In this study our aim was to detect the prevalence of campylobacter jejuni in diarrheal patients, and confirmation by PCR method based on three virulence gene flaA , hipo , wlaN. Although many genes are related to pathogenicity of these bacteria, in this study the presence of 3 pathogenic genes that are responsible for adhesion, colonization and invasion of this organism were examined. on 196 C. jejuni positive PCR sample isolated from human feaces, The flaA gene was present at rate of 100% cases. Detection rates for the hipo gene was 91% of samples.also 4.6% of positive hipo isolated was positive for wlaN gene .Finally the presence of C. jejuni confirmed as a considerable cause of gastroenteritis in Shiraz south- west Iran.
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