The present study investigated the effect of Task-Based Instruction (TBI) on the development of grammar proficiency of elementary EFL Learners and their motivation after Implementing TBI. To this end, 66 Elementary EFL learners were selected. Their proficiency level was established via administering a Nelson grammar proficiency test. Moreover, their grammar homogeneity was ensured using a grammar-oriented test of Nelson as the screening pre-test. Then, the treatment group enjoyed TBI by implementing different tasks for about 17 sessions in 30 minutes. The control group benefited the same amount of grammar instruction, but not through the TBI. At the end of the study, students of both groups were administered the same Nelson grammar-oriented pre-test to gauge the effect of TBLT on improving the grammar proficiency of the learners. Statistical techniques of independent sample t-test were used in order to analyze the data. The results indicated that 1) TBI had a significant effect in promoting the grammar proficiency of Iranian elementary EFL learners; 2) TBI had a significant effect in promoting the motivation of Iranian elementary EFL learners.References
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