The article is devoted to the latest novel written by the American author of the Afghan origin Khaled Hosseini. It is well known that serious political and social changes occurred in Afghanistan in the twentieth century. Since the beginning of the Taliban”™s rule, Afghanistan has been ranked not only as the country with an unstable political system but also began to associate as the center of terror and wars connected with nationalism and religious disagreements. All the cultural heritage of the country was left in the past. Khaled Hosseini tries to destroy the stereotypes about the country formed in the modern Western world. His novel And the Mountains Echoed came out six years after the publication of Thousand Splendid Suns and is very different this and previous ones. The action takes place not only in Afghanistan but also in USA, France, and Greece. The heroes are not only Afghans but also the representatives of other nationalities, whose fate is connected with Afghanistan. The previous Hosseini's works had such success, that the third novel came out in eight countries simultaneously in the corresponding translations. The ideas of And the Mountains Echoed are universal, based on human life, regardless of where the person was born, and to what nation, race and religion he belongs. The image of Afghanistan still plays the great role in Hosseini's novel, but now he also refers to human destinies and characters.
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