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Motivation for the formation of artistic and professional orientation of adolescents


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Mishina, A. V., Akhmadullin, I. V., & Mishina, N. V. (2018). Motivation for the formation of artistic and professional orientation of adolescents. Revista Publicando, 5(16 (1), 340-348. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/1505


At the present stage, the problem of formation of artistic and professional orientation of adolescents is topical, and its solution requires the development of a new methodological and substantive base. In this regard, we have studied the concept "artistic and professional orientation", which consists in the fact, that this process is an interconnected system of motivational, behavioral, activity and cognitive components. As an effective mean for the formation of artistic and professional orientation of adolescents in the conditions of additional education, it is justified to use artistic and project activities, which have a high pedagogical potential. This activity is characterized by such features as integrity, stepping and subjectivity. It involves the use of a wide range of teaching methods; corresponds to the adolescent age of subjects of education; contributes to the provision of public and personal significance, and practical implementation of the results of adolescents”™ activities. Motivation is the basis for the formation of artistic and professional orientation in adolescents. The formation of positive motivation for the artistic and professional orientation of adolescents is facilitated by the use of a set of active methods and forms of training, corresponding to the technology of artistic and project activity. All of this is taken into account in the author's educational program "The basic concepts of the professions of decorator and designer". It has been implemented during the forming stage of the pedagogical experiment. The effectiveness of the study was confirmed by the results of diagnosing the level of formedness of motivational component of the artistic and professional orientation of adolescents in the experimental group, using the methods of observation, questioning, testing, and the method of expert assessments.



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