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The semantic analysis of korean, japanese and tatar onomotopoeic words and phenomimes


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Bolotova, N. A., Khaliullina, A. A., & Gainullina, L. A. (2018). The semantic analysis of korean, japanese and tatar onomotopoeic words and phenomimes. Revista Publicando, 5(16 (1), 202-212. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/1495


The relevance of this work is determined by introducing onomatopoeic words and phenomimes of Korean, Japanese and Tatar languages. Onomatopoeic words could be found in many languages (Russian, English etc.). As for phenomimes, this group of words has specific characteristics and not each language has it. But these both groups of words could be found in Korean, Japanese and Tatar languages.  The purpose of this study is not only to research phonetic differences (comparing imitations of Korean, Japanese and Tatar languages to identical phenomena: animal sounds, sounds of natural phenomena, man”™s emotions or motions), but also to find out basic semantic categories of using ideophones in Korean, Japanese and Tatar languages. The main material for the study was vocabulary for onomatopoeia and phenomimes in Korean, Japanese and Tatar languages. The key finding of the study may be considered as revealing of specific features of such group of words. The materials of this article may be helpful for school and university teachers of Korean and Japanese at the advanced level, as well as for educators and developers of educational materials.



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