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Functioning blogs in russian mass media

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Gazizov, R. R., & Nagovitsyna, T. A. (2018). Functioning blogs in russian mass media. Revista Publicando, 5(16 (1), 55-62. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/1480


A number of innovative technological processes taking place in the modern mass media system have determined the process of transition to a new type of communication - civil journalism. Competition began between traditional media and the so-called new media, which marked the era of web 2.0. This period in the development of media is marked by the active role of the audience, its interference in the functioning of the media. Active development recently received the blogosphere, which makes relevant and relevant research in this area. The article is devoted to the specifics of Alexei Roshchin's blog in the electronic version of Nezavisimaya Gazeta. The choice of this author is due to his popularity among readers, leading positions on opinions, reports and comments on the records. The problem is revealed - thematic originality of media texts, as well as language, stylistic features of messages.



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Gazizov R.R., Nagovitsyna T.A. Features of manipulative technologies in Russian political discourse (on the example of the tatarstan republic mass media)//Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict. - 2016. - Vol.20, Is.SpecialIssue2. – P.14 –18.

Gazizov R.R. On the issue of moral and ethical regulation of manipulative processes in journalism // Contemporary communicative space of journalistic science, practice and education: contours and reality of new media. Issue 5: a collection of scientific articles / ed. V.Z. Garifullina, E.S. Doroschuk. - Kazan: Kazan. Univ., 2014. - P. 20-27.

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Roshchin A. Spartak - champion. [Electronic resource]. Available on: URL: http://sapojnik.livejournal.com/2403585.html (access mode - free).

Roshchin A. Putin - for Trump an ideal figure for delivery / [Electronic resource]. Available on: URL: http://www.ng.ru/blogs/alexroschin/putin-dlya-trampa (access mode is free).

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