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Energy Saving Mechanisms in the Security of the Internet of Things


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Arrekhlou, M. Z., Sarvqad, A., & Javan, P. R. (2018). Energy Saving Mechanisms in the Security of the Internet of Things. Revista Publicando, 5(16 (1), 1-54. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/1479


Energy consumption is one of the priorities of security on the Internet of Things. It is not easy to find the best solutions that will reduce energy consumption, while ensuring that the security requirements are met. Many of the issues that have been presented so far have covered the basics of security, such as the basic principles of encryption, extension environments, target applications, and so on.

This paper examines one of the most effective energy-efficiency mechanisms for providing Internet-based security services. By studying techniques that enable the development of advanced energy-efficient security solutions, we take a closer look at the ideas that have already been introduced in this area. In this study, not only the security issues, but also the energy impacts on solutions have been considered. Initially, the amount of energy related to security services is introduced. Then a classification is proposed for energy efficient mechanisms on the Internet of Things. Finally, the main drivers of the impact of energy saving techniques are analyzed for security solutions.



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