The purpose of this study was to predict the level of pathology and the level of motivation of the master students of psychology based on the style of identity and individual history. The research method was descriptive-correlational and the statistical population consisted of all master's students of psychology from Shiraz and Marvdasht Azad University. A total of 300 master students were selected through availability sampling. They completed Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale and identity style, a researcher-made personal history questionnaire and motivation level questionnaire. Data were analyzed using multiple regression coefficients in a synchronous manner. The results showed that normative and confused identities can positively and significantly predict the level of pathology in students. But the information and commitment styles of identity were not predictable. Also, informational identity, normative identity and confused identity can significantly predict students' motivational level. But identity commitment could not be predicted. On the other hand, the results showed that individual histories can positively and significantly predict the level of pathology. Also, personal history can positively and significantly predict the level of motivation of students.References
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