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Correlation of spirituality inorganizational environment and attitude towards virtual world mediated by managers”™ citizenship behavior in private companies


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Khalili, S., & Farahani, T. (2018). Correlation of spirituality inorganizational environment and attitude towards virtual world mediated by managers”™ citizenship behavior in private companies. Revista Publicando, 5(14 (2), 609-620. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/1190


The present research delved into the correlation of spirituality in workplace and people”™s attitude towards the virtual world mediated by the organizational citizenship behavior. Due to the extended meaning of the spirituality concept, Liu and Robertson”™s(2011) three-factor scale, Podsakoff”™s (2000) questionnaire for measuring citizenship behavior and Kim et al.”™s (2005) seven-factor virtual worldquestionnaire were used. The present research population was comprised of 342 managers of private companies all over Iran. To analyze the data, firstly the reliability was assessed through Cronbach”™s alpha and then the required statistical analyses were run to estimate the correlation coefficients. The findings revealed a statistically significant causal relationship between spirituality in organizational environment and attitude towards virtual world mediated by citizenship behavior.



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