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Impact levels : Heartbleed vs. Bugs Bash Bugs
Vol 2. No 5. 2015
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How to Cite

Mora Secaira, J. I., & Verrezueta Vásquez, J. P. (2015). Impact levels : Heartbleed vs. Bugs Bash Bugs. Revista Publicando, 2(5), 65-77. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/104


Social, economic and cultural relations depend, increasingly, technologies and infrastructure of information and communication (cyberspace), making it necessary to articulate a national security system cybersecurity (Fojon, 2010). The vulnerabilities of information systems coupled with the diversity of exploit in the second quarter of 2014 left exposed for more than two years since its verification or heartbleed security hole present in the OpenSSL Bug (Gujrathi, 2014) library, which allowing reading some information in the RAM of the computer, enterprise-level scenarios of financial, electronic service providers and others, compromising information from millions of users. Until the date of rectification heartbleed, was considered the main mistake of the flaws that have suffered servers throughout history, without being more than a programming error, that little by little was solved by deploying patches and updates OpenSSL libraries to protocol. Unfortunately, in September 2014, the presence of a new vulnerability was determined Bash, the same that is based on the command line that runs on Linux and Mac OS platforms, referring to a simple process as the cutting and pasting of the code.
To demonstrate these vulnerabilities a virtual scenario arises. Thus the level of impact that has each of these issues will be determined, a comparison between them and indicate what would be the measures to take in case of such problems in these solutions.

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Copyright (c) 2019 Janeth Inés Mora Secaira, Juan Pablo Verrezueta Vásquez


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