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Testing As A Method For Determining The Ethno-Lingual-Cultural Balance For Russian And Tatar Speaking Children




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Yurevna, D. Y., & Abuzarovna, D. S. (2017). Testing As A Method For Determining The Ethno-Lingual-Cultural Balance For Russian And Tatar Speaking Children. Revista Publicando, 4(13 (2), 1073-1085. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/1036


The essence of the work consists in a comprehensive analysis of ethno-lingual-cultural situation in the Republic of Tatarstan (the RT) with a focus on practical results – the creation of tests to identify ethno lingual-cultural balance in the development of bilingual children.

In Tatarstan (the RT) there is a need of the practice-oriented measurement of the level of the balance of the intercultural communicative competence of native speakers of Russian and Tatar lingual-cultures, starting from an early age. Despite the fact that the region created all conditions for full functioning of bilingualism, the practice shows that Russian-Tatar and Tatar-Russian bilinguals prefer the Russian language that means primarily the trend towards globalization and universality.

                Carrying out a comprehensive diagnostic test will allow to reveal and describe the level of development of each language in the framework of natural bilingualism, to diagnose cognitive abilities and competence of the child, associated with and driven by the development of two or only one of the two native/non-native languages & cultures, subjecting the bi - or intercultural view of the world.

When working on the material we used such methods and techniques of research as the analysis of scientific and bibliographic literature on the topic, observation, classification, construction of test tasks using the different age characteristics of the subjects and their interpretation.

The authors, who have been working for many years in the sphere of education for bilingual students, and conducting testing of the results obtained in the framework of the International network laboratory for innovative technologies, investigate the problem in different areas: they are language preferences of bilingual children, their testing and improvement of the ethno lingual cultural balance.

The importance and practical novelty of the materials is in the fact, that they can be used not only in the immediate practice of teachers-methodologists, but also in research activities, the training the teachers of Russian and Tatar languages in the Yelabuga Institute of KFU. And in the scientific and educational-methodological aspect it is important the study  the vector of formation and development of bilingualism and measuring the competencies in each of ethno-lingual-cultures in connection with the levels of direct language preparation, and in connection with the dynamics of the general age developmental of the child and taking into account the characteristics of his ethno-lingual and socio-cultural environment; the development of professional tools is important.



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