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Laboratory workshop on the chemistry of oil and gas as an effective Educational Technology in the learning process of students in a Technical University


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Falyakhov, I. I., Shepelyuk, O. L., & Mukhutdinov, R. H. (2017). Laboratory workshop on the chemistry of oil and gas as an effective Educational Technology in the learning process of students in a Technical University. Revista Publicando, 4(13 (2), 1046-1056. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/1034


In the article the goals and tasks of such educational technology as "laboratory practical" are considered, which is an effective tool for the formation of industrial-technological and experimental-research competencies for students of technical specialties. The laboratory workshop was conducted on the basis of a technical college, when studying the course "chemistry of oil and gas." The basis of the performed laboratory works is the normative documents GOST, OST, ASTM, which allows understanding how the physical and chemical analysis of oil and oil products is carried out in the laboratories of any oil and gas producing company.



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