The paper examines the economic and legal aspects of the concept of ecosystem services in ensuring rational nature management in the Russian Federation based on the analysis of the works of Russian and foreign economists, legal scientists, and biologists. There have been identified the main economic problems of the ecosystem services concept, which do not allow the development of proper legal support in the area under investigation. Such problems include: underestimation of the economic value of ecosystem services, lack of price for most ecosystem services, lack of a market for ecosystem services.
A weak regulatory and legal study of the ecosystem services concept in Russian national legislation, including economic and legal mechanisms for compensating ecosystem services, is shown. The term "ecosystem services" is used only in certain Russian political and legal documents of an environmental orientation. Its content is not disclosed, it is only stated the need to preserve ecosystem services and create their market. It was proposed to consolidate the main directions of Russian state policy in the sphere of ecosystem services at the level of political and legal documents.
The ecosystem services concept in ensuring rational nature management contributes to the isolation of social relations for the most effective use of the natural environment. Various characteristics of ecosystem services for renewable and non-renewable natural resources that affect the rationality of nature use are shown.
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