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Energy efficiency policy activating in Russia by project management methods

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Ermolaev, K. A., Melnik, A. N., & Kuzmin, M. S. (2017). Energy efficiency policy activating in Russia by project management methods. Revista Publicando, 4(13 (3), 810-822. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/1002


The existing approaches to management of energy saving and increase in energy efficiency at various levels of the Russian economy are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the main documents in the sphere of standard and legal regulation of system of power management and to detection of methodical features of management of energy saving and increase in energy efficiency at the federal and regional levels. Basic distinctions between the process approach which was widely adopted in practice of activity of various structures of management and project approach to management which application in public authorities of executive power did not gain so far development are presented. Need of use of project management for activation of innovative activity in the sphere of energy saving and increase in energy efficiency is proved. The features of the developed structure of management limiting application of project approach in the Russian economy and constraining its sustainable development in modern conditions are revealed. Organizational and administrative solutions for coordination of implementation of projects on creation, introduction and commercialization of the energy efficient innovations allowing creating favorable conditions for achievement of strategic objectives of innovative modernization of the Russian economy are proposed. Results of the conducted research can be the basis for methodical maintenance of project management in the sphere of energy saving and increase in energy efficiency at various levels of management of economy.



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The state report on a condition of energy saving and increase in power efficiency in the Russian Federation (An electronic resource) - the access Mode: http://minenergo.gov.ru/node/5197. (Date of the address: 16.10.2016).

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