El Female entrepreneurship in the northwest of Guayaquil, Ecuador | Revista Publicando
El Female entrepreneurship in the northwest of Guayaquil, Ecuador


empoderamiento empowerment

How to Cite

Orellana-Intriago, F. R., Orellana Intriago, C. E., & Buendía Noroña, P. E. (2021). El Female entrepreneurship in the northwest of Guayaquil, Ecuador: Utopia or reality?. Revista Publicando, 8(31), 279-290. https://doi.org/10.51528/rp.vol8.id2213


Entrepreneurship is one of the ways that allows to solve the needs of the group through innovative products or services, it also contributes as a catalyst factor for jobs in society.Therefore, the general objective of this research is to analyze female entrepreneurship specifically in the northwestern area of Guayaquil, Ecuador in order to check if there is strategic support for its promotion. The research methodology is based on a bibliographic-documentary design. Entrepreneurship developed by women leads the productive development of Ecuador, especially Guayaquil, where women have opportunities to face challenges with the support of government entities or private companies, thus achieving their goals, but Above all, develop new ideas and reflect female empowerment in society. Therefore, the conclusion shows that Guayaquil women do not escape from this reality, especially those located in the northwestern part of the city, where their motivation, perseverance and desire to improve increase creativity, the ability to foster problems, acceptance of the risk, but above all it generates a high self-esteem allowing their ventures to be maintained over time.



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Fernando Rodolfo Orellana-Intriago, Carlos Enrique Orellana Intriago, Patricio Edgar Buendía Noroña


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