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The relationship between psychological empowerment and job satisfaction and organizational commitment of librarians in Libraries affiliated to Iran University of Medical Sciences


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Ahmadi, M., Yousefianzadeh, O., Taheri, A., Abdollahi, S. Z., & Heydari, M. (2018). The relationship between psychological empowerment and job satisfaction and organizational commitment of librarians in Libraries affiliated to Iran University of Medical Sciences. Revista Publicando, 5(14 (3), 134-141. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/990


This study aimed to examine the relationship between psychological empowerment and job satisfaction and organizational commitment of librarians in libraries which are affiliated to Iran University of Medical Sciences. This was cross-sectional survey study. The population consisted of all librarians in Iran University of Medical Sciences libraries. The research tools included Spreitzer”™s Psychological Empowerment Questionnaire, Visoki and Chrome”™s Job Satisfaction Questionnaire, and Allen & Meyer Organizational Commitment Questionnaire. The analysis of findings showed that the librarians considered their career goals as important and valuable, successfully performed their assigned tasks, had a sense of belonging and commitment to organization, and enjoyed from their membership.



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