Role of Sociability and Usability of Social Media on Consumer”™s Behavioral Outcome; Mediation Role of Consumer Perceived Value | Revista Publicando
Role of Sociability and Usability of Social Media on Consumer”™s Behavioral Outcome; Mediation Role of Consumer Perceived Value

Palabras clave

pedagogic competences
system of values
Design Studies
teaching practice

Cómo citar

Affan, & Ming. (2018). Role of Sociability and Usability of Social Media on Consumer”™s Behavioral Outcome; Mediation Role of Consumer Perceived Value. Revista Publicando, 5(17), 12-31. Recuperado a partir de


Since its commencement, online media platforms or networking sites has kept on encountering rapid growth. However, in literature, the marvel is still particularly in its early stage. Limited research studies in previous literature put spotlights on user”™s behavioral outcome such as purchase intention resulted from web-based social media networking platforms. Such researchers either focus on the impact of social media operational components and characteristics of virtual group”™s members on the behavioral outcome (consumer purchase intention). Therefore, present study presenting a robust insight through an integrated dynamic conceptual framework of the social media operational and psychological antecedents and their influence on consumers”™ purchase intention for sustainable businesses through the mediation role of consumer perceived value. This study focuses on social media importance for sustainable growth in business by effective the application of social media as a strategic tool. The strategy utilized is quantitative and 300 participants participated. Results was conducted by Smart PLS. Partial Least Square- Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) is applied on the data. However, the result demonstrates that web-based social media engagement antecedents decidedly or positively impact on buyer”™s buying expectation or behavioral outcome.



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